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Favorite Quotes

Here i'm going to share some special quotes | I think it will change your mind to turn a new way of your life | Stay with me  To be continued...

I’m going to write about my future life | Sharing my dream/goal

generation gap with shahin

first of all i'm need to say some quotes.
Then i'll share my future planning/goal. Here some quote that influence me for grow my dream.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge"
imagination dream

It's inspired more and make me energetic. Because i'm not a good at school / collage. Always gone my class lecture over my head . šŸ˜‰
But i'm create a awesome dream about my future. It was Freelancing. I didn't know that why i'm stuck in freelancing but i'm realize that it's change my future. I'm always research about that while i'm sleeping, ohh i mean that was a dream. 

I'll share some article about my imagination above. 2nd thing also relevant with 1st quote. And that is under below...

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination"

"Forget The Past"
Frustassion and Depression

It make me more and more energetic. Because its clear my "frustration" and "depression".

Now I'm telling about my goal šŸ’Ŗ
#Currently I'm studying civil engineering at Dhaka polytechnic institute. 

Civil Engineering
And have a big dream to work with foreigner about CAD design and handle their project. 

#Be a professional freelancer and work freelancing market place worldwide. In that case i'm studying hard about freelancing.
#Be a Digital Marketing Expert (SEO). 

It's my another dream. Also interested about Black hat SEO. And i'll studying about Black Hat SEO, after finishing White Hat SEO ( Search Engine Optimization).

Thanks for stay with me, be happy šŸ’• 


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