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Favorite Quotes

Here i'm going to share some special quotes | I think it will change your mind to turn a new way of your life | Stay with me  To be continued...

I’m going to write about my past life and 5 things how it has influenced me now

First of all i'm should to say that...
Most of the bad things I did and most of the good things I did while I was growing up.
Shahin Alam

Five things that have affected my life.

Finger of hand

One things when I was child my uncle using computer, and i'm watching this work what he done. Future Cop,  Allen Shooter,  Dx Ball is most favorite game ever. My uncle gave me chance to play this game and i'm play it with fully Concentrate.

Second things, when I was 11 years old I found out that I was pretty good at playing Cricket. And i'm realize that i'm not one of the best player in the field. Once upon a time in field, i'm make 36 run in 6 balls. It's very lucky day for me because the bowler was a best bowler in our village. He really shocked about my performance. 

Another rainy day we play football in our lovely field. 
Soccar Football
In that day i'm broke my leg fingers. Basically it was an accident with my against player. I'm shot the ball but the ball gone out of range in that case i'm kicked my front player legs. Then a loudly shout šŸ˜•
Two day's never walking easily and it took two week to fixed that.

Third was, when i'm read in class ten. I'm sent a proposal to my parent's to buy a computer. They said to me if i'm got GPA5 in S.S.C they give it to me otherwise not. But my father tell me if i'm got it he give me a "Motor Bike". OMG . Is that available in bangladesh ? A father said that bought a bike for his son just passed on s.s.c ???
Finally I'm got GPA5 but my father turn on silence mood. šŸ‘‚

Forth is, It was 22 july in 2014. I'm bought a computer, dreamy machine. Always stuck some addicted game. But try to get inside in my machine. Research every step about my computer system. After 2 week i'm hear about freelancing. And i'm really excited about it. While i'm need a mentor for working online. My cousin help me about it. But the painful thing is i'm just earn 25$ in two month. šŸ˜Œ

Shahin in Office
Fifth was, while i'm going to dhaka for studying diploma in civil engineering, that day was more interested for me. I'm always stuck in computer for learn more about freelancing. But i didn't, never success this way. I'm believe einstein's one of the best quote "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new". 
Finally i'm take a decision to be a freelancer. But didn't know why always i'm fall in down. 
But i'm never give up, still i'm trying to be a professional freelancer.

Thanks for stay with me and read this with waste your valuable time. šŸ˜† 


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